Top websites to find song lyrics

Lyrics and other websites to find song lyrics

For music loversKnowing the lyrics of songs and their meaning is often part of learning to love a song. That's why there are many websites and applications that help you look for song lyrics, learn their translations, and much more. There are even websites where you can learn details and curiosities about the lyrics and composition of your favorite artists' songs.

In this article we explore what are the best websites to find song lyrics, find your favorite music and have fun with this widespread art. Find the openings of your favorite series and the translation, the rock songs you like the most and much more. In addition, there are also online applications with which you can discover the name and get the lyrics of those songs you have just heard and did not know.

How to search for song lyrics from the web and not fail in the attempt

Lyrics, English lyrics, Japanese translations, Spanish lyrics. You can search the web for all kinds of songs from your favorite artists, and you will find different alternatives so you don't miss any. This list of websites will allow you to quickly find the exact lyrics of your favorite songs. You can search for songs in Spanish and other languages.


This website operates as a Complete song finderYou can find the lyrics of your favorite songs by searching through a system of filters and categories that allows you to select bands, singers or the name of the song. Its navigation is very simple and intuitive, and it is not limited to providing lyrics in just one language. It includes lists of the most searched artists, an extensive database, photographs and video clips. Everything to find your favorite songs and discover new songs in a simple and fast way.


Another excellent proposal from websites to find song lyrics. In Letters you will find a wide selection of Spanish songs that you can sing or read to learn in your language. In addition, in some songs you can also find the tabs to play them. You can search for the lyrics of your songs by artist, by title and even create playlists. This way it is possible to carry your entire collection of favorite songs with you from here to there.

Lyrics also includes an app version, compatible with iOS, Android and also plugins for Chrome, Winamp, iTunes and Windows Media Player. In short, a complete assistant to get the lyrics of your favorite songs at all times.


A third very popular option on websites to search song lyrics It is Quedeletras. It also includes songs in other languages, but its largest database is made up of popular songs. The song lists are taken from the most listened to songs in different countries ranging from Spain, Germany and Mexico to Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Guatemala, among others.

It also incorporates the search system of songs by genre, by style and YouTube videos so you can listen and sing along to your favorite songs at any time. A great option with a very dynamic and attractive interface, ready to find and help you learn all the lyrics of your songs.

Quedeletras for lyrics in Spanish

Websites to find song lyrics in English

If your favorite songs are mainly in English, there are also websites dedicated entirely to the Anglo-Saxon language. These sites work in a similar way and collect lyrics for all kinds of songs, from 60s rock to the latest pop. You can discover new bands, learn what your favorite songs say, and have fun learning to sing and read in the language of Shakespeare, among other things.


You can consult an extensive collection of song lyrics, organized alphabetically and with a keyword system. The most popular artists are also differentiated and you can buy the songs in online stores for your list or print the lyrics and take them anywhere. It is one of the most consulted platforms for song lyrics in English and covers almost all periods and genres.


Another of the reference portals when it comes to Check out lyrics from your favorite bands and artists in English. Their search engine is organized with alphabetical categories and lists of the most searched songs. You can even filter by date, album, singer or band. You can select them to listen to them and read the lyrics in temporal order and analyze the evolution of your artists over time.


We can't help but mention this website, where in addition to finding lyrics to your songs in English, you can also watch interview videos and music news. It's an excellent source of information about your favorite genres, bands, and soloists. Like other platforms mentioned, it includes a filter system to differentiate between singers and bands, sort by album or release dates.

On MetroLyrics you can read the letter but there are also options to purchase for Apple Music or print the lyrics directly onto paper. Now there will be no excuse not to sing along to your favorite songs without missing any of the lyrics.


The last of the web One of the top songs focused on song lyrics is Genius. A platform that also includes information options, videos and news from the music industry. You can use the search engine and select songs alphabetically, or use popularity lists, sort by genre and by bands or soloists. In addition to the lyrics, you will also find anecdotes, details and curiosities about each song or artist.

With Genius you can find the vast majority of music topics in English, and also all kinds of curiosities to learn more about your favorite artists. Thanks to its dynamic and easy-to-navigate interface, it is very fun and simple to discover new topics and all kinds of curiosities about the music industry.

Sean songs in Spanish, English or other languages, this top of websites will allow you to find all kinds of music. It's just a matter of searching and having fun in the process.

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