La digital electronic, It is a field of electronics that involves the study of digital signals to be able to process and control various systems and subsystems, contrasting with analog electronics and analog signals. So, if you want to know more about this topic and all its relevant points, continue reading this article.

What is digital electronics? and its main bases.
What is Digital Electronics?
We can say that there are two different types of signals, one is analog or continuous and another is digital or also discrete. Therefore, the science or research field in engineering areas are called analog and digital electronics respectively. So now in the area of the digital electronic, it is important to understand the wide range of applications it has.
This being the case from industrial electronics to certain fields of communication, from integrated micro systems to military equipment. Thus, perhaps the main most revolutionary advantage of electronics, the decrease in size and the improvement of technology.
La digital electronic, It is about those electronic systems that use a digital signal instead of the analog one. This same is the most common representation of Boolean algebra and is the basis of all digital circuits for computers and any consumer product, such as cell phones.
The most important and common unit of the digital electronic, it is the logic gate. Different logic gates, up to tens of thousands, are put together so that more complex systems can be created than are known. The complex digital system of this type of electronics is commonly known as a digital circuit. For a large part of electronic engineers, the terms of «digital circuit«,» Logic »and« digital system », can be interchanged within the context that speaks to us about digital circuits.
A digital circuit can naturally be built from small electrical circuits known as logic gates, which can be used to create combined logic. All logic gates are designed to be able to perform a Boolean logic function when it acts on some signals.
A logic gate is usually generated from one or more electrically controlled switches, which are transistors, but thermionic valves have had historical use. The output of a logic gate, in turn can control or feed more logic gates.
Another way of looking at a digital circuit is the construction from lookup tables, some are sold as "programmable logic devices", although there are other types of PLD. Lookup tables can employ the same functions as logic gate based machines, however they can be easily programmed without changing the wiring.
This means that a designer can usually repair design errors without the need to change the cable layout. So in small volume products, logic devices that are programmable can be the most widely used solution. Thus, they are often designed by engineers using electronic design automation software.
Integrated circuits consist of several transistors on a silicone chip and are the least expensive way to create the most interconnected logic gates.
Integrated circuits are generally found embedded in a printed circuit board, which is a board that has electrical components and connects with traces of copper.
On the other hand, we have that engineers use many methods to be able to reduce the logical redundancy in order to minimize the complexity of the circuits.
Reducing this component complexity and potential errors, therefore, often tends to reduce costs. Logical redundancy can be eliminated using several well-known techniques, such as binary decision diagrams, Karnaugh maps, Boolean algebra, and the computational heuristic method.
Integrated systems with microcontrollers and programmable logic controllers are normally used to implement digital logic in complex systems that need optimal performance. So these systems are usually programmed by software engineers or electricians, with the use of ladder language.
Let's know the advantages that the use of digital electronics brings.
These representations are crucial to an engineer's digital circuit design. In order to choose representations, engineers consider the types of digital systems. The most common way to represent circuits is by means of an equivalent set of logic gates.
Each logical symbol is represented by a different form. The actual set of shapes was introduced in 1984 in accordance with the IEEE / ANSI standard 91-1984 and is currently one of the most widely used by manufacturers of integrated circuits. Another way to build an equivalent electronic switch system. Which can be represented as a truth table.
A large part of digital systems can be divided into combinational and sequential systems. Within a combinational system, the same output is always presented when the same inputs are given.
A sequential system is a combinational one with several outputs fed back as inputs. This causes digital machines to do a sequence of operations.
A more basic sequential system is undoubtedly the flip flop, which is a mechanism that represents a binary digit or "bit". Sequential systems are generally designed as a state machine. In this way, engineers can design the raw behavior of a system and even test it within a simulation, taking into account the details of the logic functions.
For logic simulation, all digital circuit representations have digital file formats, which can be processed by all knowledgeable computer programmers.
Advantages of digital electronics
- First we have that digital electronic circuits are relatively easy to design.
- They have the highest precision and programmability.
- Transmitted signals do not degrade over long distances.
- Also, these digital signals can be easily stored.
- Digital electronics are comparatively more immune to 'error' and 'noise. However, in certain cases of high-speed designs, any minimal noise can lead to an error in the signal.
- More digital circuits can be made on integrated chips; This will help us to obtain complex systems in a smaller size.
- The voltage within any point of the digital circuit can be lower or higher; so there is less chance of confusion.
- Digital circuits are more reliable because their output is time invariant, while analog circuits can change the output with the environment.
- It is more secure and the transmission rate is much higher with a wider bandwidth.
Importance of digital electronics
There are multiple fields of electrical engineering within the area of computer science and engineering. This requires the necessity to be able to create a digital frame.
Computer engineers have extensive information in the field of electricity, software design, and hardware and software integration rather than a single field of electricity.
The scope of this is quite large, since it has design of microcontrollers, personal computers, microprocessors and super computers.
Within the field of digital electronics it uses the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) which has decreased the size and the complete area of the circuit boards. This improves the accuracy and performance of the system.
And for communication purposes, digital systems have the significant advantage in data encryption. Data transmission remains safe and secure. These are the predominant factors that reflect the importance of the flow of digital electronics, also with large future projects.
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